4 Ways That Microsoft Teams Improves Life for Everyone


Microsoft Teams

No man is an island, at least that’s how the saying goes.  Yet, an island develops self-sufficiency and the ability to optimise its own resources by building bridges to other lands. History and prehistory tell us that the sharing of resources and ideas benefits all.

The same applies to business. A successful company develops its employees’ self-sufficiency and skill set while encouraging collaboration. But how do you build bridges to facilitate that?

With Microsoft Teams.

Teams offers numerous communication channels, accessible cloud storage, and all of the capabilities of Office 365.  And there is the option to add favourite MS and third-party apps, all under one platform.

Here are 4 ways that this powerful little tool will make life easier for you, your team and external collaborators.

1. Communications become human conversations

It takes a combination of personality types and skill sets to yield the results that make a team successful.  But traditional communication channels can be off-putting. It can be hard to gauge tone in emails, and nobody enjoys an inbox full of demands, and urgent requests. Then there are the endless threads of conversations that you get copied into and never read. Life is just too short. Phone conversations have their own difficulties. How many times have you had to reschedule conference calls to fit everyone’s diaries? Work comms are often a chore that employees actively avoid.

MS Teams’ chat gets rid of all that. It encourages natural, expressive communication, whether that be by text, emoji or GIF. This social style of communication is universally recognised and comfortable. The bite-size, real-time exchanges encourage regular collaboration, inclusivity and free expression of ideas.

2. Efficiency rules

Teams is a fully cloud-based system that gives the user any time, any place access to:

  • Real-time updates on projects
  • Conversations
  • Files
  • Meetings
  • A choice of apps

Emails become, well, redundant. No more scrolling through trails and wasting half your life. And if you rely on ‘sign-offs’ to progress your project, the tool is a game changer. You can schedule audio or video meetings via the web, and tag those whose attendance or response is critical.

BOOM! Project management just became a doddle.

Microsoft Teams offers a seamless transition to cloud computing, bringing the ability to process big data and use AI to work smarter. It’s a welcome move away from the disjointed multi-programme workspace of yesterday.

3. It switches up employee motivation, creativity and productivity

The direct and indirect effects of using this structured, dynamic, user-friendly workspace include:


Teams allows users to receive regular feedback via shared updates. This gives the user confidence in their progress and nurtures initiative and creativity.


Clear communications and systems allow everyone to understand:

  • Their task
  • Individual and team deadlines
  • The importance of their part in a process

This can improve time management skills, curb procrastination and increase productivity.


In 2019, who doesn’t like instant gratification? Teams is full of it:

  • Likes and comments about your contribution
  • Feeling included
  • Fast responses to questions
  • Uninterrupted workflow
  • Regular feedback from clients invited as Teams guests

Workplace dynamics

When everyone’s job is easier, relationships have a chance to thrive. Efficient and effective working practices help to develop positive dynamics:

  • Within teams and departments
  • Across the whole organisation
  • With partners
  • With clients

Work-life balance

Employees are less likely to take work home (figuratively and literally) when they have the means to be productive and efficient.  A cloud-based workplace also makes remote and flexible working a viable option.  Bye-bye burnout; hello happy, motivated employees.

4. It keeps everything (and everyone) in motion

Ultimately, Microsoft Teams encourages collaboration under one simple, accessible platform.  And, its features are applicable to any company, regardless of industry or size.  But the tool’s functionality goes beyond helping to achieve corporate goals. Microsoft Teams empowers users to communicate, contribute and collaborate in line with their workload and priorities. Employees can utilise their time and skills in ways that achieve sustainable as well as optimal productivity. So, everybody’s happy.

Do you want to build better bridges in your organisation? Contact Computer Geeks to find out how Microsoft Teams can bring out the best in your employees and collaborators.