Our year in review


2023 was a successful year, it was a journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and countless cups of coffee.

While it’s been a great start to 2024 for us, we wanted to rewind the clock and reflect on the past year. In 2023, our team ensured that our clients thrived in the ever-changing IT journey, from project successes and tickets resolved to the amount of coffee jugs brewed and cups lifted.

So join us in reflection with this year in review, we’ll delve into the stats that shaped our year:

Projects completed

In 2023, our dedicated projects team successfully completed 42 projects, delivering innovative solutions and enhancing the IT infrastructure for our clients across the UK, we’ve written a few case studies on these projects, which you can find here.

These projects included migrations to the cloud with our Geeks Cloud solution, embracing a serverless IT infrastructure and enhancing scalability and efficiency as well as positioning our clients for long-term success.

Whilst a serverless “cloud-first” strategy works well for many, it’s fair to say that it doesn’t suit every business. At Geeks, we perform a ‘cloud readiness’ assessment for businesses with aging servers, during which we review any blockers that would prevent a successful move to the cloud or make it less desirable to the needs of your business and staff.

This meant that some of our clients could be more productive and suited to a reliable, secure, energy-efficient server. So, in 2023, our Projects team also completed many server migration projects.

We recommend that servers over 5 years old are considered for replacement, here’s why: Why a server older than 5 years is a serious risk to your business | Computer Geeks

Cyber security has evolved massively over the past few years, and as advocates for strong cyber security, we also assisted businesses with their Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus certifications.

These certifications help businesses ensure strong defences against cyber threats are put in place and represent a shared commitment to a secure digital environment.

We’re very proud of the commitment and professionalism of our Projects team in completing all these projects to a high standard.

Coffees consumed

Fuelling our team’s productivity, we collectively consumed an impressive 552 jugs of coffee, this equates to around 6,072 coffee cups drank. This energy powers our commitment to providing our award-winning IT Support.

Our top coffee drinker of 2023, which heavily influenced this high number, was our Technical Director, Rob!

And this number doesn’t include our coffee machine created espressos, or kettle-boiled cups of tea… we’re a caffeine-loving team.

Tickets Resolved

Our commitment to solving your IT issues led to the resolution of 31,814 tickets throughout 2023, tracked from our client ticket portal.

These tickets range from forgotten passwords and new users to compromised accounts and alerts from our monitoring software.

Our team work tirelessly to support our clients and provide fast and efficient solutions to IT issues, from quick fixes to complex problem solving each ticket resolved represents a successful collaboration between our team and satisfied clients!

Plants watered

As part of our office refit at the end of 2022, we wanted to bring in some leafy green plants to join us. We managed to stick to our 2023 new year’s resolution and keep these office plants alive – they’re still green and thriving!

But we can’t take too much credit for it. In 2023, Plant Care provided their professional maintenance service to look after our plants and have watered them 17 times.

You can meet our leafy colleagues here: Meet our new leafy colleagues! | Computer Geeks

Surveys Completed

Feedback is invaluable, your IT Support partner should be an extension of your team and want to build a trusting relationship.

We gathered insights and opinions by receiving reviews on the completion of each ticket. Clients are asked to let us know how we did, with the ability to click on one of three smiley faces (good, neutral, and bad). There’s also the option to provide written feedback, which we always recommend when someone has gone the extra mile, or a bit of explanation is needed.

In 2023, 1,305 surveys were completed by our clients.

This feedback loop helps us to continually improve and review our services and tailor our support to meet the needs of our clients. We also like to celebrate our reviews within our team and on our social media channels.



As we reflect on these numbers, we look forward to another year of innovation, growth, and successful partnerships in 2024!

Our clients, partners and team members have been instrumental in making 2023 a year to remember.