Cyber security resources


October is Cyber Security month, with this year’s focus being on phishing and ransomware, helping to change behaviours online and improving the way we act when faced with a cybersecurity threat, with the ultimate aim to reduce cyber incidents.

Cyber security must be approached on multiple fronts to be successful. Staff training and awareness can be a vital measure to reduce your vulnerability, so we wanted to share some great cyber security resources we’ve found to help you and your colleagues stay informed not only this month but throughout the year.

National Cyber Security Centre

The first resource is the National Cyber Security Centre – NCSC.GOV.UK

This website is a great resource, which features blog posts, advice, and guidance as well as news relating to cyber security. It also filters the information by persona e.g., individuals and families or small and medium sized businesses, and also by topic, including phishing and passwords, so you can find a number of easily accessible blogs and guidance specific to your needs.


The next resource is the Security blog on Microsoft’s website, especially this blog post –

This is a recent blog post, written for cyber security month, which dives into cyber security awareness tips from Microsoft to empower your team. This blog looks at how important comprehensive security is and what you should endeavour to do for cyber security awareness.

Computer Geeks

The final resource we wanted to recommend was our news and resources section on our website. We have a multitude of blog posts relating to cybersecurity which are readily available for you and your team to read.

Here’s some handy links to the blogs –

Are you ready to undertake the Cyber Essentials certification?

Staying safe online while away from the office, on the move or abroad

Why are backups so necessary?

How can social engineering be used on social media?

Why is MFA so important?

How to spot and prevent a phishing email

Phishing, vishing and smishing attacks – what are they and how can I spot them?

You can see all our blog posts here – Computer Geeks News & Resources

If in doubt, get in touch

As always, our clients are strongly encouraged to stop and report any potential attacks to our friendly and professional team. If required, one of our engineers can see if there is any unusual activity taking place on their systems and support the user/s with any necessary next steps.

If you have any questions, give us a call on 0117 325 0370 or email