Our new office

Big news, we’ve relaunched our office! We’ve refreshed our furniture and IT with upgraded modern equipment and integrated our brand across the space with freshly painted walls and decals to represent the journey to the modern workplace. We’re really proud of the end result, what do you think?

Let's start with our entrance

Let's start with our entrance

Our entrance consists of a freshly painted front door which opens out to our entrance room. The walls of this room encapsulate our brand through a large map showing a winding pathway which becomes much more straightforward once you reach Geeks, with large lettering highlighting that ‘your journey starts here’ which points you in the direction of the door to enter our office.

The breakout space

The breakout space

You first reach our breakout space which we’ve currently nicknamed the ‘café.’ This space allows for our team to take time away from their desks to either collaborate with or without the TV screen using screenshare from their devices, spend their lunch break playing some games via the PlayStation or simply sit to eat lunch without a keyboard in the way!

Our breakout space is nicely divided from the desks with the use of this divider which provides a lot of storage and space to showcase plants (and Rubik’s Cubes!)

On the other divider is a whiteboard, we’ve used this in team meetings as a way to easily mind-map ideas and collaborate.

The office

The office

We then have our desks, complete with two 2K 27” screens and 12th-Gen i7 PCs with 32GB RAM, a headset each and ergonomic chairs which can be adjusted in multiple ways. We’re hotdesking so each team member uses our desk booking app in Microsoft Teams to book where they'd like to sit each day.

On the back wall we have a large mountain design to represent the journey to the Modern Workplace.

The meeting room

The meeting room

Through one of the doors towards the back of the office is our meeting room!

Our meeting room is complete with a Microsoft teams certified meeting device controlling the environment, dual displays, a content sharing facility so attendees can share content in the meeting easily, a camera with Pan-Tilt-Zoom functionality and the option to support different fields of view and microphones to limit echo during the meeting.

This room is decorated with the brand-integrated lighthouse design complete with our pixel characters; we’re thinking of calling this the lighthouse room because of this!

The professional assembly area

The professional assembly area

The light from the lighthouse shines into our professional assembly area, which is used daily by our service desk to complete the build of machines and as an engineering lab.

the bathrooms

the bathrooms

Lastly, we thought we’d show our bathrooms, they’ve been fully renovated to include a shower, hairdryer and modern furniture. One of our brand colours is orange, so we thought we’d incorporate it here with a big pop of orange across the walls.

We really love the brand- integrated design, the refreshed furniture and IT, and the impact of the investment on Team morale. We’re interested in your feedback, what do you think?